tag moon
Observação - Dia 16 de Outubro 2010
Neste dia, consultando a informação na Internet, verifiquei que havia manchas solares e, decidi tentar mais uma vez tirar algumas fotografias.
Em ASTRONOMIA, 21 de outubro de 2010P365/10 - Day050 (19th February 2010) - A little more Moon
Today was time to give a try on another Moon shoot! I have to improve my performance in this type of photography and we only can do that with a lot of practice. Hope you like it.
Em P365/10, 19 de fevereiro de 2010P365/10 - Day048 (17th February 2010) - Moon
I was seeing Moon set when I went home and I had to shoot it! I love our moon! It’s a simple photo, but one of my best moon pictures ;)
Em P365/10, 17 de fevereiro de 2010