
P365/10 - Day051 (20th February 2010) - Misako

Daniela Filipe Bento Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir 21 de fevereiro de 2010 · 1 min read

I took this photo today to be yesterday photo. It’s my new cat, because, sometime ago he was a girl, now… it’s a guy :P He called Misa, and now we call him Misako. Misa is a small name for him. It’s growing fast and he every day more beauty.

P365/10 Day051 - Misako

Yesterday I didn’t had time to take the day photo because I get home very late and I had no head to photography. But well, the day ran well. A big work day!

Regards, Daniel Bento

Daniela Filipe Bento

Escrito por Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir

escreve sobre género, sexualidade, saúde mental e justiça social, activista anarco/transfeminista radical, engenheira de software e astrofísica e astronoma