
P365/10 - Day027 (27th January 2010)

Daniela Filipe Bento Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir 27 de janeiro de 2010 · 1 min read

My school theme is almost in the end. I have to think yet what will be the next theme… I have only 4 days to think. This photo is school related directly. It’s the university’s Pin. They gave me one when I entered to the school, at now it walks with me on the baggage.

P365/10 Day027 - FCUL

Without entering with many details, most of my day was past studding and working.

I subscribe myself as a photographer assistant in a photo house and, subscribe to a explanation center to help younger people in school (like math, physics and so on)… I hope to help many kids :)

Let’s see what the future has to me.

Regards, Daniel Bento

Daniela Filipe Bento

Escrito por Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir

escreve sobre género, sexualidade, saúde mental e justiça social, activista anarco/transfeminista radical, engenheira de software e astrofísica e astronoma