
P365/10 - Day026 (26th January 2010)

Daniela Filipe Bento Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir 26 de janeiro de 2010 · 1 min read

Another simple composition. An idea come from my kitty! It’s awesome. He was playing with the dvd’s polystyrene. I look at him and remembered of made a fast stand for the pens. Ok, the stand isn’t very efficient but I liked it for the composition, light effects and reflex.

P365/10 Day025 - DIY Pen Stand

Another work day. Nothing special to say today, I want to go watch TV ;)

Regards, Daniel Bento

Daniela Filipe Bento

Escrito por Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir

escreve sobre género, sexualidade, saúde mental e justiça social, activista anarco/transfeminista radical, engenheira de software e astrofísica e astronoma